Meet Tia


“Bring a Friend Day”! I excitedly, yet anxiously, accepted my friend's invitation to join him at his CrossFit gym for a free class. The moment I walked through the door, I was hooked. The energy, vibe, noise, exhaustion on peoples faces as they lay on the floor recovering. YEP, sign me up for all of it! That was Aug. 2014 and I’m still just as excited to walk through those doors every day.

I initially thought that CrossFit would prepare me for an upcoming Tough Mudder and then I would think about joining their “Barbell Club” or try some of those gymnastic thingies they do.

Five years later I found myself at the pinnacle of my evolving goals and dreams.....competing at The CrossFit Games in Madison, WI. I’m not always the most confident in my CrossFit abilities, so to be there was quite a shock to my system. I placed a respectable 7th overall and took the next week to set some new goals. I didn't know where I would end up, but I knew the ego would need to be put in my back pocket and I would work my ass off the next 10 months to expose my weaknesses and seek out help to improve them. It was worth it!

Enter 2020....what an up/down year. I placed first overall worldwide in my age division and I was back to the Games. However, less than 24 hrs. later it was announced that the Games would be cancelled for us Masters due to Covid. I was OK with it. I had set goals and crushed them. Time to set new goals.

I knew that physically, I could be even better. I was always the “stocky” girl growing up, so I guess I always accepted that I would have a little “fluff” here and there. I ate pretty well, but always carried the extra 5-7 lbs. My CrossFit brain kicked in….if 5 lbs. felt so heavy when trying to PR a lift, imagine what those 5 extra lbs are doing to my gymnastics and bar movements. I sought out coach Amy and AIM Nutrition. Game changer!! She took into account my goals, my workout scheduling and my eating patterns. Her weekly email check-ins were of the most benefit to me. She made great suggestions to my meals (when AND what), “gently” took me off unnecessary supplements, put me on whole foods exclusively and called me out on any BS that I may have had going on in my head. Better than a therapist! We also checked in to make sure my strength was keeping up to par while slowly pulling off those extra pounds. We would not compromise performance! After 3 months of working together, I dropped 9 lbs of fat, my body composition changed and I was in the best shape I’d ever been in. I was ready to rock the The Legends competition in AZ. with Amy by my side. Literally! I can’t thank her enough for giving me the confidence to make those changes. I will always be so grateful for her knowledge, motivation and respect in my journey.