Goals amidst a pandemic


To say this weekend was one for the books is an understatement. One of the goals I set for 2020 was “do something epic”. When I wrote that I was thinking along the lines of running the Napali Coast in Hawaii but Covid challenged me to accomplish that goal in a different way. A small group did crush a 40-miler around our town which I used as my ‘something epic’ until it was suggested to me to register for the @legendsmasterscomp qualifier.

Motivation runs low when we’re faced with a pandemic so I decided to do the qualifier and landed myself with a 4th place finish. Well shit, apparently it was clear that I had something else I needed to tackle... fast forward 3 months worth of solid commitment to getting as fit as I could before the Legends Championship, a level of competition in a new age bracket that I had never experienced.

Between testing positive for Covid 4 days prior to leaving to rebooking our flights after receiving the call that I was the 1% and a false positive to doing my first event at 8:15pm due to rain, yes rain, in Arizona let’s just say the rest of the weekend was a freaking ride. I was either top 3 in workouts or in the bottom half- nothing in the middle.

I competed alongside @crossfitgames athletes, met @abneyathletics who aside from being tall, dark, and tattooed was essentially my twin, made several rookie mistakes like not double knotting my shoes, not wearing grips for rig work, and not bringing my own chalk.

I dealt with insecurities, a lack of confidence, overwhelming gratitude for my support team, and a sense of pride for crushing some workouts and for allowing myself the chance to be vulnerable and uncomfortable. Talk about mood swings .

These experiences have always been used as a teaching tool for me, granted it’s scary and hard to put your weaknesses on stage for others to see, but they (competitions) give me direction and narrow my focus. This time, I walked away knowing what I already knew- my gymnastics needs work... but my biggest takeaway was - whether I believe I can or I believe I can’t- I’m right. It was glaring to me how influential my confidence was on my performance. When I knew I was strong, I was. When I thought I would be weak, I was.

Thank you to everyone that either stood 6 to a circle, masks on, and yelled for me in person or cheered from your home watching from afar. Your support matters and I’m grateful to have such a stacked support crew.

Can’t wait to return the favor.
