The Power of Words


Trade out ‘busy’ for ‘productive’ and watch the magic happen.

There is a great podcasts by The Consistency Project that discusses the importance of words and the things we say and how they drive our mindset and, in turn, the outcome of our health and fitness goals.

A simple action step:

Trade out every word busy for the word productive when speaking.

Busy = a slave to whatever you have going. It signifies that you’re stressed and drowning in madness.

Productive = indicates you’re driving the ship, you’re organized, strategic, and authoritative.

By trading out a single word, you can feel empowered and confident.


I should be better with meal planning, but I’m just so busy.

I should be better with meal planning and I’m just so busy.

I should be better with meal planning and I’m just so busy.

I should be better with meal planning and I’m so busy.

I should be better with meal planning and I’m so busy.

I should be better with meal planning and I’m busy.

I should be better with meal planning and I’m busy.

I should be better with meal planning and I’m productive.