The Domino Effect


The Domino Effect states that when you make a change to one behavior it will activate a chain reaction and cause a shift in related behaviors as well. - James Clear

Everyone has a lead domino that either pushes them towards a goal or pulls them away from it.

What we want to do is figure out what action (lead domino) we need to take each day to initiate a chain reaction of other actions that guide us to leading our best life.

For example:

Exercising daily

Eating a well-rounded breakfast

Making your bed

Journaling while the house is quiet

Writing a to-do list

Prepping for dinner

...are all actions that can help a person gain momentum in their day and guide them to making more choices that align with their goals.

“When I workout I am more committed to eating better. When I eat better I have more energy for my children. When I have more energy for my children we play outside instead of watch tv... and on and on.”

It’s easier to build momentum when we make sure that lead domino happens.

There are three keys to making this work in real life. Here are the three rules of the Domino Effect:

1) Start with the thing you are most motivated to do. Start with a small behavior and do it consistently.

2) Maintain momentum and immediately move to the next task you are motivated to finish. Let the momentum of finishing one task carry you directly into the next behavior.

3) When in doubt, break things down into smaller chunks. As you try new habits, focus on keeping them small and manageable.
