Six Ways to Increase Your Calorie Expenditure


You don’t need to exercise more or eat less to see more positive progress.

What you need to do is stop finding ways to not move your body.

NEAT is non-exercise activity thermogenesis, which is the calories you burn during every day activities such as walking to the mailbox, doing household chores, climbing the stairs, and cooking dinner in the kitchen. NEAT can account for up to 30% of our daily calorie expenditure - that’s 600 calories on a 2,000 diet!

Imagine increasing your deficit (burning more calories) by just:

👉🏻going grocery shopping instead of waiting in your car for someone else to load it

👉🏻walking in to pick up your kids from practice instead of sitting in the parking lot

👉🏻 picking up your house more often

👉🏻pulling weeds

👉🏻standing when you have the choice

👉🏻and not driving around a parking lot to try to find the closest spot.

THESE are the type of actions you could be doing that - when eating a measured diet - that have the ability to hold you in a deficit and foster weight loss.

Move. Your. Body.