Shark vs. Minnows


Two weeks from today I’ll be competing on the ‘big stage’ in Madison.

Over the last 3,572 weeks of training (ok maybe it just feels like that many) I’ve definitely explored every corner of my emotions.

It’s funny, when my kiddos play sports we talk about there being two ways to approach competition- you can be a shark or a minnow. Obviously, we are a shark family; confident, hard working, aggressive…

I’ve been trying to remind myself that I’m a shark and that I want to approach the CrossFit Games]] as a shark. Funny thing is and the BIG difference between this competition and others is that this won’t be a field of sharks and minnows… no no, there aren’t any minnows at the CrossFit Games]]. There are only sharks at this level.

>> insert nervous giggle

Fear is funny. It makes even the least vulnerable people > vulnerable. It makes the confident > insecure, the relaxed > nervous, the happy and smiley > quiet and subdued.

This quote was sent to me right after I qualified and I’ve kept it on my desktop to read AT LEAST once a day as well as share it with my client. It’s perfectly stated by @drivenmindtraining

“Passion often comes with fear. Desire often comes with frustration and nerves. Big pursuits lead to some stress and doubt.”

So, here I am a shark, reminding myself that I need to be a shark..even against other bigger sharks… when I walk on the CrossFit Games]] competition floor.

Thank you to my tribe for being there through the quiet moments, the cursing, tears, emom back squats, early mornings, word/emotion vomiting, and everything in between.

2 weeks and counting.
