Progress isn't easy


We do a huge disservice to progress when we assume that things are meant to be easy. We've become accustomed to getting what we want with little effort.

Maybe that's the society we live in today, we can get the answer to a question within 5 seconds of wondering it, we can grab food without getting out of our cars, and we can sidestep boredom thanks to scrolling social media.

Unfortunately, this luxury of getting our wants fulfilled easily has left us assuming that all things should be easy.

Here's a little secret... Anything worthwhile requires a lot of HARD work.

It's doubtful you know many (any?) successful people that say their journey to success was easy.

So why do you assume that your journey should be?

Because most of us step back when things get hard. Most people resist 'hard' because it's uncomfortable and leaves us feeling vulnerable, something a lot of people can't handle.

What if...instead of going into things hoping for 'easy' you decide to accept that it's going to be hard?

What look forward to accomplishing something that will challenge you?

Rest assured, it's no harder for you than it was for that person you assume had it easy. They probably just accepted the challenge and stuck to their goals, no matter the difficulties they faced.

If mindset is 90% of the battle that means being realistic with yourself about how your journey is going to look is a must. The moment you paint it in butterflies and rainbows is the moment you set yourself up for frustration and most likely a quitter's mindset.

Expect it to be hard and allow yourself to be pleasantly surprised if it's not.