Delayed Gratification Is Worth The Wait


The ability to hold out now for a better reward later is an essential life skill.

Delayed gratification allows you to do things like forgo large purchases to save for a vacation, skip dessert to lose weight or push yourself in a workout today to be better prepared for a race or competition down the road.

There is a big difference between instant gratification vs. delayed gratification – one leads to short-term rewards that feel good in the moment but wear off quickly, while the other is a long-term life skill.

Instant gratification happens when you give in to your desires and get a boost of “happy hormones” like dopamine and endorphins. Delayed gratification is a strategy for reaching your goals and finding long-term fulfillment.

The "Marshmallow Experiment" in the 1960s put on by Stanford professor Walter Mischel underscored the difficulty humans of any age have with delayed gratification. If you're not familiar with this experiment, look it up, as it shines a light on the reality that delayed gratification is a learned behavior that becomes easier to succeed at when we're able to follow through on the promises we set with ourselves.

These tips will get you started:

Start Small - Create a goal so easy you can’t refuse it, like waiting three minutes before grabbing a snack. Next time, improve by 1%. Incremental progress lets you build confidence with each small goal you achieve.

Make Rules: You can also use delayed gratification as a “rule” for certain parts of your life where you may lack self-control. Make a rule that you need to wait 10 minutes before eating a second helping of dinner to ensure you're still hungry and not just 'used to' eating more food.

Be Reliable: a person gets better at delayed gratification when they reap the fruits of their labor. Make sure you're offering yourself the chance to see that delayed gratification is worth the wait.

Remind Yourself of your Goals: Keep a picture of your goal on your phone or even as your screensaver as a reminder for why you're working so hard.

Let’s repeat this:

Delayed gratification is a strategy for reaching your goals and finding long-term fulfillment.