Decision Fatigue and how it impacts your goals


“I lose my resolve as the day goes on. I feel overwhelmed and tired."

If this is you, know that you are not alone. It is very easy for us to suffer from decision fatigue. Decision fatigue is the deterioration of our ability to make good decisions after a long day of decision making. If you think about it, from the moment you wake up until you go to bed, you are having to make 100's of choices.

No matter how rational or sensible you are, you simply can’t make decision after decision without paying a mental price. And unlike physical fatigue—which we are consciously aware of—decision fatigue often happens without us knowing. We’re just tired. Or burnt out. We don’t care anymore. You pick. Just give us whatever.

This is why we stress the importance of preplanning, preparing, and/or even pre- logging. Taking the time to prepare for your days can help you to be more successful in your journey.

Rather than being susceptible to your changing energy levels, lock in key decisions when your energy is highest. Meal prep on Sunday afternoons or prelogging your breakfast and lunches for the week help to ensure you are not making poor food decisions throughout the week. Even having fruit and vegetables sliced and eggs hard boiled for the week, can help relieve the stress of deciding what to pack with your lunches.

One thing we have found particularly impactful is simply prelogging our dinner in the morning so that we can work the rest of the day around it. This allows us to log our breakfast and lunch as we go and then adjust dinner portions if we are over or under our macros. If we decide and prelog dinner in the morning when we are fresh, then it takes away those decision making moments in the evening when we are exhausted from a long busy day.