All Things Creatine


What is creatine?

Creatine is something we naturally make/get from food, but not the capacity of which we can store with supplementing. It’s a powerful little supplement that helps us be more powerful!

Creatine is an amino acid located mostly in our body’s muscles as well as in the brain. Most people get creatine through seafood and red meat, but it is produced naturally by the body in the kidneys, liver, and pancreas at a rate of about 1-2 grams/day. The upper limit of what we can store are not always met or replenished naturally or through nutrition, so supplementation can maximize this. Creatine supplementation may be even more beneficial in those on a plant-based diet, due to the lack of creatine consumption from food.

Because long-duration, low-intensity activities rely more on a different energysystem, they are not typically enhanced by creatine — in other words, creatine will help a sprint but not a marathon. The benefits of creatine are increased power output in resistance exercises, can promote an increase of lean mass, and has cognitive benefits as well.

Creatine is among the most well-researched and effective supplements out there. If you decide to use a creatine supplement:

  • Use the monohydrate form

  • Consume 2-5 grams of creatine daily at any time.

  • Almost all populations are safe to use it. As always, talk to your doc before supplementing.

  • You can take your creatine before and/or after workout.

  • Does not need to be cycled

  • It may cause temporary water weight gain.