Check your weekends


One of the biggest mindset shifts when creating new habits and moving towards our goals is learning to eat the same on the weekends as we do during the week.

No “cheat” meals or “cheat” days. Sure, we may want to eat dinner out or enjoy a glass of wine, but it’s about being mindful of our choices, planning ahead when possible, and finding ways to modify our day to feel freedom and flexibility, rather than rigidity and deprivation.

Overeating by even just a few hundred calories each day is reducing your calorie deficit that is moving you towards your goals.

Some simple math eating 500 calories under your maintenance calories for five days straight puts you in a 2,500 calorie DEFICIT. Eat 3,500 calories on the two weekend days and you are eating 2,400 calories OVER your maintenance calories, leaving you with eating an average of 2,300 calories a day....your MAINTENANCE calories.

Be honest with yourself about your intake and CHECK YOUR WEEKENDS.