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The Missing Piece to your Success

Patience is probably the missing piece to your success.

Have more patience and watch enjoyment improve and stress decrease while you pursue a healthier lifestyle. You’ll get there, but if you keep looking for a quick fix and choose to learn nothing about food, your habits, or what and how to shift your current routine, your success will be short-lived.

So many fitness frustrations would be solved if you gave yourself 1-2 years to transform instead of 1-2 months.

Establish consistency in a well-rounded fitness routine. Allow your body the time to build muscle so it’s visible at rest and you’re more capable inside and outside of the gym.

Learn how to fuel your body. Meaning…don’t just look for a quick-fix, a means to an end, take time to learn about food and what your eating routine should look like for sustained success.

Recognize your tendencies. Gain self-awareness so you can course-correct when you veer off track. Identify the difference between your supportive habits and unsupportive habits.

Trial and error. Figure out what works for you and your goals. The perfect combination of nutrition and exercise that fits your lifestyle and keeps you confident and capable.

Take the pressure off, recruit support, and start building consistency in what you know are supportive habits.

Time will take care of the rest.