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Meet Nickie

“My husband and I started AIM in April 2021 with the 30-Day Experience. I had been faithfully working out on my own six days a week in addition to leading a busy life. Although I felt good, I didn't see any change in my physical appearance. My husband and I had definitely gotten into a rut with our eating habits and wanted a change. We did not want a diet or new workout: we wanted a change we could sustain. We want to be healthy and active in our 40's and enjoy the life we've built with our family.

For me, AIM was also a commitment to myself. After years of being unhappy with my appearance, trying diets and workouts, I was finally ready to take action to look and feel better. I used to think or tell myself that because I was never athletic in my younger years, I couldn't or wouldn't be now. The program has had a positive ripple effect on so many areas of my life! The most impactful parts of the process have been feedback and input from my coach and seeing how the roles of food and nutrition transformed in our household. I used to eat for enjoyment and then refrain to lose, whereas now I view food as fuel to help me function at my best and achieve my goals. I still enjoy my food but with a new perspective and appreciation for the nourishment it provides me. I love my workouts and can now run longer, take on more challenging Pilates and barre classes, and feel willing to try new workouts.

AIM has taught me to set reasonable goals and how to take actionable steps to achieve them. I am aware of what I eat, when, and how it makes me feel. Never before had I really connected feeling poorly to my food choices or lack of eating. I eat more now than I ever have! I choose foods that fit me and my lifestyle and enjoy what I eat. My experience with AIM has brought mindfulness, nutrition, and increased confidence to my life. My workout results are more effective and visible in my physique, and I feel confident and happy reaching my short-term goals. I know that this is only the beginning of my journey in wellness, but it has been an incredible experience. I am eager and ready to take on the next step!” ~Nickie