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Meet Hannah

I have spent many years trying to figure out what my body thrives on. From workouts to diets, I wanted to find what makes me feel confident. I have tried keto, low carb, Barre, weight lifting, running - all the things. Within the last year, I have learned many different things about myself through AIM. My biggest take away is it is not a diet, it's a lifestyle. It is not what kind of workout, it's how consistent you are with that workout. 

A little background for you: I was a college athlete at the University of Idaho, and all I knew was to eat as much as I could because my body was burning it. Throughout my first year, I worked with a nutritionist because they thought I wasn't eating enough. I wasn't, but I also had a broken relationship with food that no one could see from the outside. 

I saw food as a negative thing. The weight gainer.  I had this broken mentality that I would be strong and lean with little to no food.  If I ate a cookie, I would have to run 5 miles to burn it off. I lived in this corrupt mentality with negative body talk, creating bad relationships with myself and no self love for what my body was getting me through at that time with very little support. I had tried everything throughout my time at school and thought I was doing well. I was still not where I wanted to be, but I settled. I thought to myself that I'd never get the body composition I would feel comfortable in. I'd try something, then change because it wasn't working, then moved on to the next thing. I had some things change in my life about a year and a half ago, and I kept pushing with this same broken mindset and habits. 

Fast forward to about 8 months ago. I started my AIM journey with Michelle. I told her everything I tried. From nutritionists, coaches, diets and workouts. Gosh I didn't even know her but something in my heart told me to lean in and trust. It has been such a fun and rewarding process. Don't get me wrong, there are good and bad weeks, but when you trust and love yourself, the bad days become easier. 

We focused on changing habits. With changing habits came the change in the scale, the way my clothes fit, the way I talked to myself, and the way I carried myself throughout the day. I could get dressed without changing multiple times to feel confident. The best part is this all came with no restriction on what I could eat. Plus, the weight was lifted off my shoulders about working out. I don't have to go kill myself in the gym anymore because I am now living a more well-rounded lifestyle. When I reflect on my AIM journey compared to my past journey, a few things stand out to me: 




Consistency - I had no consistency before I started with AIM. If you're impatient like me, then it takes a lot to stick to something. Find what workout works for you and stick with it. Any movement is better than no movement. In terms of food, strive to hit your daily goals and you're one step closer to your big goal. 

Love - Love what you do, honestly. Don't do the workout because you want to look like someone else. Do it for you. If you love it, stick with it. If you don't love it, go do what you love. Same thing goes with food. If you love cake, structure your day around that slice of cake. "eat the dang slice of cake" (quote from Michelle). Eat what you love.

Support - Surround yourself with people that support you and want to see you succeed. I am so thankful for Coach Michelle, she is the top hype gal in my corner. Get your family on board - it's hard for others to see you weigh your food at dinner at first. I got a lot of "whys". Take the time to explain and stand mentally strong when people don't understand. 

Do it for you.