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5 Truths About Your Fat Loss Phase

The truth is…fat loss isn’t always easy.

If weight loss is your primary goal and you’ve already laid the groundwork with adequate sleep, exercise, and stress management, then the next step will be to eat in a moderate deficit while having realistic expectations for your energy, progress, and performance in this short-term phase.

Progress won’t be linear: your weight will fluctuate, so pay more attention to averages and trends than to specifics. Measure progress in a variety of ways (photos, energy levels, measurements) and focus on creating habits and systems that improve your overall quality of life.

You can only control your behaviors, not your outcomes: focus on what you can control, the rest is not up to you. Focus on your effort over an outcome. You can always control your effort.

Expect to get uncomfortable: a calorie deficit can lead to some hunger and fatigue, which is why this phase needs to be short and sweet. This includes learning healthier ways to self-soothe, control impulses, and delay instant gratification for the long-term goal.

Performance won’t be peak: performance should not be a goal in a fat loss phase. Your physical ability and energy output might be limited depending on how drastic your calorie deficit.

Losing weight does not equate to loving your body: research shows that scale progress does not equate to happiness. Focus on eating and moving in ways that improve quality of life-which can drastically improve body image, self-esteem, physical health, and overall satisfaction.