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AIM's top five tips for success

AIM’s top five tips for getting started or needing to refocus on your goals:

Keep it simple: Stick to the basics. Have a few go-to meals that you prolog ahead of time. Trying to create complicated recipes gets overwhelming. Rotate the 2-3 meals you enjoy.

Eat the food you love: Our goal for you is that eating a macronutrient based diet is sustainable and long-term and that will only happen if you make room for the foods you love. Spend time finding ways to adjust your portion sizes or find healthy (satisfying) swaps that you enjoy that also move you towards your goals.

Be consistent: Progress may be slow or you may not see the same results as someone else. Remember-consistency is the KEY. Nothing will EVER work if you aren’t consistent enough to stick it out. If you trust the process and stay consistent, you will see results.

Be consistent (part two): If you are adherent Monday through Friday and weekends are a free-for-all, you can’t expect 100% results with only 70% effort. STICK TO YOUR PLAN.

One day at a time: You have done hard things before and you can do this. It’s not easy, you will have days you want to quit, but focus on your “why” and focus on your habits so that when motivation is low, you can rely on routine and healthy habits you have created.